
This blog is going to share information from the pages of My Family Has Two Houses, as well as share honest, open discussion here about how divorce affects children, ways to help them cope through this difficult time and be able to move on in their young lives - as children - with as little damage or baggage as possible!

Divorce Affects The Whole Family

Whether a couple stays together or not, if they have children together, they have to work on getting along for the sake of those children!
Sharon Shenker

If you have kids and you don't think the words 'harmonious' and 'divorce' go together, it just might be time to hire a divorce coach who specializes in family reconstruction so that they can help you achieve a harmonious divorce.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Family Lawyers That Really Care

All lawyers say they care, but...
After twenty-five years of working with children and their families; ten of those years being dedicated to helping families reconstruct and individuals thrive despite a divorce, I am very pleased to announce that I believe I have struck gold in the community of Family Lawyers... here in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, that is.

I know there are many, many firms across Canada and the United States that have been working on the collaborative divorce format for years, with a team of professionals that includes divorce coaches, but it was only recently that I had the pleasure of meeting with a law firm here in Montreal that is different from the rest.

So many times in the past, I would be told things like, "send me the clients who have money." In addition to that some actually added, "that will be a juicy war." Dozens of lawyers accepted my invitation to work in conjunction with me to provide their clients with a team effort that would include the emotional divorce aspects that I provide...and they are not trained to do... but nothing came of it. One lawyer even told me he would never send anyone to me because that would be giving away his money, and he laughed at me like I was a fool for not getting it. Well, what I got was that he's what I refer to as a war-lord who fills his own pocket while causing the wars that produce family destruction and devastation for the children... often affecting their adult life and future relationships.

Back to a positive note...

Here is my news of a family law firm that truly cares:
I have finally found a Montreal-based law firm that is a different kind of law firm. They care about the families and the children so much that they have taken another step in proving their offering of 'unparalleled service' to their clients by asking me if I was interested in joining their team at St-Clair & Associates. So, I am now one of their team members which can be seen at

Sebastien St-Clair is even sharing his time with me (for you and your little ones!) to help make the workbook for children of divorce available again very soon. His vision, as the founder of the firm was "to create a law firm with exceedingly high client-service standards that would change the image of the legal profession." He assembled his core group of lawyers "guided by the core values of integrity, simplicity and support" ... and I certainly think he's still doing those things.

Don't forget to click on the "Your Team" link to see my profile!
Or copy and paste this:

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